Month: October 2022

The One Carpet Cleaning Job I No Longer Accept

If you are a carpet cleaning contractor in London, you can hardly be picky about the jobs you get. The competition is fierce, and if you pass on a customer, your rivals will jump on the opportunity to undercut you. The laws of the jungle rule the business – the hardest working and most adjustable are most likely to succeed. 

With all that being said, there is one type of carpet cleaning job I no longer accept, even if the conditions are excellent – washing restaurant carpets. Contrary to what most people think, I believe you have very little to gain and everything to lose on those appointments. Here are my top three arguments why.

The Job Is Extremely Challenging

The one place you can expect carpets to be in absolutely terrible shape would be a restaurant. Think about it – heavy foot traffic, dirt and dust smothered by hundreds of pairs of shoes, but above all – the never-ending stream of stains. And yet, some restaurant owners still insist carpets are an adequate choice for a floor covering. Seriously?!

Restaurant Owners And Managers Have A Very Short Fuse

I get it – it is one of the most dynamic careers in the hospitality industry; you have to deal with customers, employees, and providers, and a hundred problems are waiting to be solved. As a result, most restaurant managers I have encountered are neurotic, hyperactive or on the verge of burnout. Not the type of people with whom you want to do business. 

A Reputation Killer

You will be shocked at how quickly news (or gossip) spreads in the restaurant world. One word that you are a lousy carpet cleaner because you couldn’t remove the week-old wine stain and your reputation is gone throughout the industry. So whenever I have the choice, I pass on these appointments.

Posted by JohnWick